Thursday, June 10, 2010

Top UK Ebook Sites

Ebook sales are rocketing in the US where 12% of all book sales are now digital, but here in the UK ebooks have yet to enter the mainstream. Some purchasers of blackbirdebooks’ first publication, Done & Dusted, are saying they’ve printed it off and are looking forward to reading it, not realising that the integrated links are all part of the non-fiction ebook reading experience. That ereading software, including Amazon Kindle, is free to download to mobile phones, iPodtouches, PCs and Macs.

This will change. How quickly nobody knows, but we at blackbird thought we’d start a UK ebook blog to keep track of events as they happen. To kick off, here are the top UK ebook blogs and websites we’ll be keeping our beady blackbirdy eye on:

The Literary Platform: A showcase for experiments with literature and technology. As well as being a platform for the latest innovative ideas, there’s mainstream ebook news, like the You Tube demo of the moving graphics for the iBookstore’s version of Alice in Wonderland, and critical commentary, like this analysis of the future of the vook (ebooks with video).  Richard Nash’s piece on a new business model for publishing, suggesting that authors of the future will be licensed for a 3 year contract rather than life-of-the-copyright contracts is a must-read for every author and publisher.

Guardian Ebooks: The ebook newspaper. Latest piece: Will the Apple iPad lead to a reading revolution?

FUTUReBOOK: The Ebook arm of the UK Trade paper The Bookseller. Latest piece:  Amazon as Publisher.

eBookMagazine: For the latest on ebook hardware.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Following thriller writer J A Konrath's ongoing ebook success story, comes the news that Karen McQuestion's novel A Scattered Life has become the first self-published ebook to be optioned for a Hollywood film.  To date, Karen has sold 36,000 ebooks on Amazon Kindle.

Whilst we wait for the UK online stores to catch up, UK authors can sell their ebooks for $$ on Amazon Digital. We can confirm the system works very well - this morning blackbirdebooks received its first cheque for digital sales, sorry, check, from the Wells Fargo Bank, Seattle!

Could it be your book next? Read this Wall Street Journal report on how ebooks are taking off in the US then get over to Amazon Digital Text Platform and start publishing.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Best UK Ebook Journals


Ebook sales are rocketing in the US where 12% of all book sales are now digital, but here in the UK ebooks have yet to enter the mainstream. Some purchasers of blackbirdebooks' first publication, Done & Dusted, are saying they've printed it off and are looking forward to reading it, not realising that the integrated links are all part of the non-fiction ebook reading experience. That ereading software, including Amazon Kindle, is free to download to mobile phones, iPodtouches, PCs and Macs.

This will change. How quickly nobody knows, but we at blackbird thought we'd start a UK ebook blog to keep track of events as they happen. To kick off, here are the top UK ebook blogs and websites we'll be keeping our beady blackbirdy eye on:    

The Literary Platform: A showcase for experiments with literature and technology. As well as being a platform for the latest innovative ideas, there's mainstream ebook news, like the You Tube demo of the moving graphics for the iBookstore's version of Alice in Wonderland, and critical commentary, like this analysis of the future of the vook (ebooks with video).  Richard Nash's piece on a new business model for publishing, suggesting that authors of the future will be licensed for a 3 year contract rather than life-of-the-copyright contracts is a must-read for every author and publisher.

Guardian Ebooks:The ebook newspaper. Latest piece: Will the Apple iPad lead to a reading revolution? 

FUTUReBOOK: The Ebook arm of the UK Trade paper The Bookseller. Latest piece:  First thoughts on iPad - Believe the Hype.
eBookMagazine: For the latest on ebook hardware.