Monday, November 15, 2010

US Ebook Sales Up 188% ($39.9M) in Year


"It's one thing when Amazon says ebooks outsell hardcovers, but when a publisher says the same thing for a given title, it's of real significance."

See full article from DailyFinance:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Ebook Bestseller Lists Coming To The New York Times And Grisham Esales Go Through The Roof

Publishers Lunch, the US daily news digest on all things publishing, has just confirmed that the New York Times will start publishing ebook Bestseller Lists early next year.

'They earnestly promise to compile data from independent booksellers along with publishers, chain bookstores, and online retailers "among other sources."'

This news comes in the same week that John Grisham voiced his amazement at the e-sales figures of his new novel The Confession. Initially opposed to ebook versions of his novels, Grisham changed his mind after he started receiving emails from readers unhappy about not being able to buy digital versions of his novels. The Confession ebook, launched at the same time as the hardback,  achieved sales of 70,000 in the first week, about one third of the hardback total over the same period.

"The ebook sales are astonishing,' he said. "Would anybody have thought that a year ago? The future has arrived, and we're looking at it."

Monday, November 8, 2010

Major US Economic Forecaster Says Publishers Must Make Ebooks the New Default for Publishing

. have just published their 5 year forecast for ebooks in the US and predict that the book business may become the most digital of all media industries.

"2010 will end with $966 million in e-books sold to consumers. By 2015, the industry will have nearly tripled to almost $3 billion, a point at which the industry will be forever altered."